Silver Spring Severance Package Lawyer
An employee offered a severance package has numerous legal issues to consider. For example, the severance agreement may have non-compete or non-disclosure issues. One important item that almost always surfaces in the manner in which the separation is classified. A voluntary resignation rather than a termination can be very important when that employee applies for other jobs. There may also issues with the termination language with respect to unemployment issues.
We have reviewed hundreds of severance packages over the years. What clients also want is an overall assessment as to whether the severance package offered is reasonable in light of any possible causes of action involving a wrongful termination. Think of it this way: if a company terminated the employment of an employee earning $175,000 with bonuses nearing retirement and a good deal of evidence of age discrimination existed, four weeks of severance pay would be a terrible resolution for that individual. Almost all companies will require employees to sign various waivers foregoing their rights to bring legal action. Therefore, consultation with an experienced employment law attorney is paramount in making such decisions.
Our firm views the review of severance packages as an extremely important crossroads in today’s world. Because every line of these agreements must be reviewed thoroughly, our office cannot possibly provide the kind of attention they require in a fifteen minute consultation. Therefore, for each agreement brought to our attention, we spend at least an hour reviewing the agreement and consulting with our client. Currently, we offer a thorough comprehensive review of a severance package at the low introductory flat rate of $450.
Similarly, we have clients that engage us to review their current situation which involves a good number of documents. These kinds of reviews generally will exceed the parameters of a fifteen minute initial consultation.
We have had many clients who after consultation retained our office to negotiate for larger severance packages or for better terms within the already agreed upon monetary consideration. They were quite satisfied with the results they obtained.