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Silver Spring MD Wrongful Termination Law Blog

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Morris Fischer Quoted in a National Media Source

On behalf of Morris E. Fischer, LLC posted in Age Discrimination, Media , Publications on September 8, 2014

NBC recently settled an age discrimination case that was reported in The Daily Caller, a 24 hour, national news publication. Reporter, Evan Gahr, contacted our office for a professional opinion from Morris E. Fischer, Esq., regarding whether the confidential settlement likely involved money and if so, the projected amount. To see Mr. Fischer’s quote: http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/05/nbc-news-quietly-settles-cameramans-age-discrimination-suit/

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Law Firm in the News, Gregory L. Davis v. Ray Mabus, 8:14-cv-00148-TDC

On behalf of Morris E. Fischer, LLC posted in Media , Publications on September 2, 2014

The Maryland Daily Record ran a story on August 21, 2014, “Ex-Navy photographer’s discrimination suit moves forward,” describing one of our law firm’s high profile cases, Gregory L. Davis v. Ray Mabus, 8:14-cv-00148-TDC, in which a Federal employee, Greg Davis, our client, was working for the U.S. Navy as a civilian aerial photographer, was forced out by his supervisor, who gave Mr. Davis’ job duties to two young women contractors.

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Sad, Horrific Day in America

On behalf of Morris E. Fischer, LLC posted in Race on August 11, 2014

All of us as United States citizens need to take a step back today and recognize the horrific, killing of two African Americans by U.S. Police forces, one in Missouri and the other in New York, as the result of a choke hold. We can’t sit by and allow these terrible, horrible, war crimes of two completely innocent people, killed only because of their race. We need to speak out about the disproportionate use of force by the police in the killing of these innocent civilians.  

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Tags: Race

Retaliation by Duty Removal- Answer with Telecommuting

On behalf of Morris E. Fischer, LLC posted in Retaliation and Whistle Blowing on July 29, 2014

One of the federal agency methods of retaliation is for an Agency supervisor or manager removing duties from the employee who complained about discrimination, fraud, abuse or waste against a supervisor, manager or the Federal Agency in general. This is rampant at the VA, IRS right now due to the scandals these agencies face, however our office has represented federal employees at a wide range of Federal Agencies where this technique is employed. 

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IRS Cornered on Email Destruction

On behalf of Morris E. Fischer, LLC posted in IRS, Publications on July 11, 2014

Finally, some justice on the IRS email destruction relating to Lois Lerner. Federal Judge, Emmet G. Sullivan, issued the following order today with respect to a Freedom of Information Case brought by Judicial Watch against the IRS. 

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Tags: IRS